press photographer 攝影記者。
攝影記者。 “press“ 中文翻譯: n. 【歷史】強迫征募,抓壯丁。 vt. 【歷史】 1. ...“photographer“ 中文翻譯: n. 照相師;攝影家;攝影者。 “press-photographer“ 中文翻譯: 攝影記者“air photographer“ 中文翻譯: 航空攝影員“amateur photographer“ 中文翻譯: 業余攝影師; 業余攝影者“appointed photographer“ 中文翻譯: 指定攝影師“freelance photographer“ 中文翻譯: 自由攝像師“news photographer“ 中文翻譯: 新聞攝影師“notes to the photographer“ 中文翻譯: 攝影師注意事項“photographer area“ 中文翻譯: 攝影記者區域“photographer bib“ 中文翻譯: 攝影記者背心“photographer, cameraman“ 中文翻譯: 攝影師“photographer’s studio“ 中文翻譯: 照相館“portrait photographer“ 中文翻譯: 肖像攝影師“professional photographer“ 中文翻譯: 職業攝影家; 專業攝影師“set photographer“ 中文翻譯: 攝影師“special photographer“ 中文翻譯: 特別攝影員“still photographer“ 中文翻譯: 劇照攝影師“war photographer“ 中文翻譯: 戰地攝影師“a best-known chinese photographer“ 中文翻譯: 一位最出“a world-class photographer“ 中文翻譯: 一位世界級攝影“an amateur photographer“ 中文翻譯: 業余攝影愛好者; 業余攝影家“eddie adams (photographer)“ 中文翻譯: 艾迪亞當斯“first assistant photographer“ 中文翻譯: 第一攝影攝影師; 第一助理攝影師“free-falling photographer“ 中文翻譯: 自由降落攝影師
press proof |
Eighty - six press photographers participated in the focus at the frontline 2005 news photos contest , organized by the hong kong press photographers association and hong kong arts centre , submitting a total of 1200 photographs . three winners from each of the seven categories spot news , general news , people , sports , nature environment , feature and photo essays were selected 是次比賽評判由過去十一年比賽中獲獎最多的七位攝影記者組成,于比賽的七個組別中(突發新聞、一般新聞、人物、體育、環境與自然、特寫、圖片故事)選出各組冠、亞、季軍。 |
21st century today , it is one that appreciate way read and write era to interpretting blueprints brand - new era who era strides forward , press photographer body shoulder important task , continue and take on news gathering and editing the subjects of team , but not the supporting role , make them catch down the transient scene the camera , thus the change of noting history , make us able to experience life intactly through the vision image , this needs press photographer to jump out the convention , involve “ digitalization “ , humane care , the ideas of common people ' s visual angle , theory , etc . of planning are changed , keep the sober head constantly , occupy and endanger and think of fitting , rouse oneself and study , have the courage to bring forth new ideas , may just surmount others , surmount oneself , it weeds out the old and bring forth the new in barges strive media competition that flow take more good worthying of the newses photography fine piece of writing of eras 二十一世紀的今天,是個欣賞方式由讀寫時代向讀圖時代邁進的嶄新時代,攝影記者身肩重任,能否繼續擔當新聞采編隊伍的主體,而不是配角,使他們用相機捕捉下了稍縱即逝的場面,從而記錄下歷史的變革,通過視覺形象使我們能夠完整地感受生活,這就需要攝影記者跳出舊框框,涉及到“數字化” ,人文關懷、平民視角、策劃理念等方面的觀念轉變,時刻保持清醒的頭腦,居危思安,奮發學習,勇于創新,才可能超越別人,超越自己,推陳出新,在百舸爭流的傳媒競爭中拍出更多更好的無愧于時代的新聞攝影佳作。 |
Mr lee met representatives from the hong kong news executives association , hong kong journalists association , hong kong federation of journalists and hong kong press photographers association this ( april 8 ) morning to discuss the incident that occurred outside the central government offices on april 2 他今日就四月二日在政府合署外發生的事件與香港新聞行政人員協會、香港記者協會、香港新聞工作者聯會及香港攝影記者協會會面。 |
This photo , together with several others that illustrate the contributions made by resettled refugees in the once - declining city of utica , new york , were given “ new america “ 2006 photo - reportage award by the u . s . - based national press photographers association ( nppa ) 這張照片和其他一些表現重新安置難民對美國紐約猶他市做出貢獻的照片,獲得了美國國家攝影家協會頒發的2006 “新美洲”新聞圖片獎。 |
Associated press photographer david guttenfelder won in the daily life stories category with an atmospheric series of black and white images titled “ the lonely man , ' shot in tokyo 這張照片拍攝于2006年8月15日,即以色列和黎巴嫩真主黨實現停火的第一天,當時有數千名黎巴嫩人開始踏上歸家之路。它同時還榮獲了日常生活類單幅一等獎。 |
At digitilized era , each press photographers survive , technology use ability change , it comes and meet the needs of era development make , easy to take place report 生存在數字化時代,一名攝影記者必須從觀念上、技術上和應用能力上轉變,來適應時代發展的要求,從而拍好、報道好發生在自己身邊的這些事。 |
Among media organisations formed more recently are the hong kong news executives association , the hong kong federation of journalists , and the hong kong press photographers association 近年設立的傳媒組織計有香港新聞行政人員協會、香港新聞工作者聯會及香港攝影記者協會。 |
Try getting a press photographer to take a web cam to a photo shoot . his pictures would only appear in the local town paper , anyway . think you ll convince him 想想,即使是一個專業的新聞記者如果用小解析度的web cam來拍照,那些照片能上的了報嗎? |
The press photographer is a special arm of the services in newspaper - man ' s team , is “ dagger squad “ and “ dare - to - die corps “ in the team of the news 攝影記者是新聞記者隊伍中的一個特殊兵種,是新聞隊伍中的“尖刀班”和“敢死隊” 。 |
Dewitt and an associated press photographer took off around 1 pm ( 1700 gmt ) on a boat to get close to the swank vacation home sarkozy was visiting 德維特和美聯社的一位攝影記者于當日下午1點乘船靠近薩科奇到訪的度假別墅。 |
An associated press photographer near colombo , sri lanka , counted 24 bodies in a stretch of four miles 一名美聯社攝影記者在斯里蘭卡首都科倫坡附近的一段4英里的路程上,就看到了24具尸體。 |
The press photographer is subordinate to the news report big systems of the whole newspaper office , news agency 攝影記者從屬整個報社、通訊社的新聞報道大系統。 |
Co - presented by : hong kong arts centre , hong kong press photographers association 合辦:香港藝術中心、香港攝影記者協會/ |
Take a press photographer in the company large activity and catcall 在公司大型活動和集會中擔當攝影記者。 |